Call for Lightning Talks and Demos
ICSSA 2022 is planning to include sessions of lightning talks and demos. These could include emerging hot topics, preliminary research results, practical problems related to software security and assurance, lessons learned, research challenges that could benefit from feedback, ongoing research, successes, failures, or future experiments, etc. Talks and demos are limited to a maximum of 10 minutes.
If you would like to participate in the sessions, please submit a one-page abstract via EasyChair by (to be announced). Each submission must use the Word template available here. Notification of acceptance to authors will be sent out by (to be announced).
Authors of accepted talks and demos, or at least one of them, are required to register and present their work at the conference or via Skype. If a demo requires special arrangements, please send an email to Abstracts of accepted talks and demos will be included in the supplementary proceedings which will be distributed as a hard copy at the conference and as a soft copy in the conference proceedings.